CRAM Release Note

15 May 2017

This is a first release note for continuing work on an app, called CRAM. I was assigned to a group of four students to work on CRAM. However, I am and will be working on this project by myself this semester to improve CRAM. For more information about CRAM, visit here

Release Dates

May 1, 2017

What I Worked On

Last two weeks, I was working on deployment for the cram and on updating the cram home page.

The Obstacles

The obstacle that I faced was errors when I deployed onto the galaxy. It keeps giving me an error when I start the app so I would need to stop running and change it some part. I would still need to figure out the error to run my app on the galaxy correctly.

Also, in the user guide, I should not have all the photos of functionalities but choose which information would be helping the users and/or be attracted to them.

What I Plan To Accomplish

What I plan to accomplish for next milestone (May 15) is:

For the next two weeks, I would like to continue working on improving the cram page that interviewer might take a look.

April 15, 2017

What I Worked On

Last two weeks, I was working on adjusting study sessions and related pages.

Here are main functions that I worked on the last two weeks:

The Obstacles

The obstacle that I faced was figuring out how the one change affects the others. At first, I was not noticing that I would need to change the user schedule page. However, when I checked each page, I found that it was not showing the results.

Also, I was going to have some user tests. Therefore, I needed to spend some time searching for what is the good way to test my app. It suggested that it would be better to have well function mockup pages, about 5 to 7 testers of the app, a well-planed test plan that would take about 30 min of the participants’ time. I just searched but not able to get the test plan yet.

What I Plan To Accomplish

What I plan to accomplish for next milestone (May 1) is:

For the next two weeks, I would like to work on improving the cram page that interviewer might take a look.

April 1, 2017

What I Worked On

Last two weeks, I was working on fixing the tutorial pages and study session pages.

Here are two main functions that I worked on the last two weeks:

The Obstacles

The obstacle that I faced was making the teacher type array and making the option to be a teacher or student when users create a study session. I was going to have a checkbox for it, but couldn’t figure out how to get the value by checkbox and failed to create the if statement in the function. Also, when I was creating the tutorial page for the report, I had difficulties printing out the correct ui semantics. I needed to redo the whole thing and it worked.

What I Plan To Accomplish

What I plan to accomplish for next milestone (April 15) is:

For the next two weeks, I would like to work on allowing the user to choose being teacher or student. I would need to figure out how to separate them. Also, I will start planning for the user test

March 15, 2017

What I Worked On

Last two weeks, I was working on fixing the design of menu bar, admin page and user profile page.

Here are two main functions that I worked on the last two weeks:

The Obstacles

The obstacle that I faced was finding right ui semantic that I can use and adjust pages. There were a lot of copy and paste, but I had many places to revise small details. Also, it took time for me to figure out making the limitation on the menu bar for non-user. It wasn’t displaying correctly at first.

What I Plan To Accomplish

What I plan to accomplish for next milestone (April 1) is:

For the next two weeks, I would like to spend my time changing the tutoerial pages based on the past modification.

March 1, 2017

What I Worked On

Last two weeks, I was working on figuring out the calendar system and on implementing reply function for the message. During the process of fixing the calendar system, I needed to update the pages for the study session as well.

Here are two main functions that I worked on the last two weeks:

The Obstacles

The obstacle that I faced was when I change the collection of a study session, I would need to change everything that uses that collection. Automatically, it means that I would need to fix the add study session page, the edit study session page, and the study session page. I took a time to figuring out what I needed to change and I spent a lot of time to test my function but adding some study sessions, deleting it and so on.

What I Plan To Accomplish

What I plan to accomplish for next milestone (March 15) is:

For the next two weeks, I would like to spend my time changing out the design of the pages.

February 15, 2017

What I Worked On

Past two weeks, I was going to continue working on calendar functionality and on fixing a collection of a study session. I still had a difficult time implementing fullcalendar and connect to the meteor collection.

Here are two main functions that I worked on the last two weeks:

The Obstacles

The obstacle that I faced was still figuring out how to connect the collection of a study session to calendar system. I found out that time setting for the study session causes the calendar not to show the schedule for the study session. I would need to restrict the input of the time and change some categories to the collection of the study session. Because there is a study collection before implementing the fullcalendar, it makes the implementation hard to adjust for the study session.

What I Plan To Accomplish

What I plan to accomplish for next milestone (March 1) is:

February 1, 2017

What I Worked On

Past two weeks, I was going to implement calendar and notification systems. I looked several calendar function that I could use and was able to implement fullcalendar to the app. However, I was not able to connect a collection of study sessions and the calendar system. I found that would need to fix time of the calendar and figure out how to produce the date on the create study session page.

Here are two main functions that I worked on the last two weeks:

The Obstacles

The obstacle that I faced was figuring out how to connect the collection of a study session to calendar system. I think I would need to recreate the collection of the study session in MongoDB. While searching for how to do the implementation of those functions, most of the information I found was based on PHP, jQuery or other things. Therefore, I would need to translate and think how to apply that information to meteor or MongoDB collection.

Also, When I apply an open source to the app, I need to spend a lot of time to figure out the functions that it has, what parameters that the function takes and so on. For calendar and notification systems, I implemented the open source and spent hours to find out what does what.

What I Plan To Accomplish

What I plan to accomplish for next milestone (February 15) is:

January 15, 2017

What I Worked On

Past week, I looked back what my teammates and I have done so far and listed what I would need to do from now on. There were some functionalities that were not working correctly, and also where I would need to change majorly. I listed several issues that I would need to work on for the next couple of weeks.
Since there were only five days till milestone 1, I fixed small issues.

The Obstacles

The obstacle that I faced was determining how long I would take to accomplish each issue. There was not much time for this milestone, but I needed to start working something. I decided to work on small things first and to fix minor issues that were left from last semester.
Also, as I looked through the app, I found several places where I needed to fix and where I should have implemented. I haven’t look at the app from last semester and I needed to bring back my memory, yet it actually helped me to have a perspective of a third person to the app.

What I Plan To Accomplish

What I plan to accomplish for next milestone (February 1) is: