Your Diary

Your Diary

This is a web app that I created for a database class. There is functionality of writing down the feeling of the day, seeing previous feelings and getting some quotes of the day. I used bootstrap to design the web page. Also, in order to use this, a person has to create an account and log in so that the web can be personal.

In an album page, the users can see all the memory that they posted and also there are two buttons to see only good or sad/bad memory. In the sad/bad memory page, there is a delete button to delete those comments. Of course, there is no delete button on good mempry page. I wanted this web page to encourage the users. Therefore, with the good memory and some encourage quotes, they can get an energy and motivation.

One of the requirements for this project was using SQL statement and use the functionality of insertion and selection. I collected user id and password on one table and the other table had comments, date and feeling of users either good or bad/sad (if the users don’t select the feeling, it would categorize as normal). Those two tables are joined by unique user id.

There is a short video about the project. Click the image above or click here.